For immediate release | July 11, 2017
New Iteration: Cataloging for Non-Catalogers Advanced eCourse
CHICAGO—ALA Publishing eLearning Solutions, in collaboration with the San José State University School of Information (SJSU iSchool), announces a new iteration of our popular advanced eCourse Cataloging for Non-Catalogers.
The course uses recorded lectures and other recorded content, readings from a variety of textbooks and scholarly articles, plentiful cataloging examples and real-life scenarios, online discussion with instructor and classmates, as well as brief quizzes and assignments in the form of educational games that are fun and challenging. The course lasts 12 weeks and consists of three 4-week units, beginning on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, participants will
- Understand the basic principles and practices of descriptive and subject cataloging
- Have a basic understanding of MARC format
- Know how to acquire MARC records
- Know how to select and edit a record that matches a resource
- Understand basic cataloging processes and workflows and how the role they play in the library
- Understand the current and emerging international environment of cataloging
Participants who complete this Advanced eCourse will receive an SJSU iSchool/ALA Publishing Advanced Certificate of Completion. This certificate will affirm your status as having completed all the steps of an Advanced eCourse on Cataloging for Non-Catalogers and will provide proof of your participation that you can add to your resume.
Advanced eCourses—a new format in which faculty from the SJSU iSchool will help you dig deep into cutting-edge topics during 12-week online courses, equipping you with potentially transformative knowledge and skills, and taking you from introductory through high-level content.
For more information about the eCourse, including how to register, please visit the ALA Store.
About the Instructor
Dr. Mary Bolin is Professor and Catalog and Metadata Librarian at the University of Nebraska--Lincoln Libraries. She also teaches cataloging and metadata for the School of Information at San Jose State University. Dr. Bolin studied cataloging with Dr. Lois Mai Chan at the University of Kentucky. She is one of the founding editors of the peer reviewed LIS e-journal Library Philosophy and Practice.
ALA Publishing provides all librarians a comprehensive, one-stop resource for dynamic print and digital materials and eLearning dedicated to professional development, improving library services, and the promotion of libraries, literacy, and reading.
The SJSU iSchool / ALA Publishing advanced e-courses offer in-depth, advanced training that take participants from introductory to high-level content in 12 short weeks. Award-winning SJSU iSchool faculty members help participants dig deep into relevant course topics to provide applicable knowledge and skills that can transform their work. These asynchronous online courses are ideal for information professionals from around the world.
ALA Store purchases fund advocacy, awareness and accreditation programs for library professionals worldwide. Contact us at (800) 545-2433 ext. 3244 or
The SJSU iSchool prepares individuals for professional careers in the information professions. Graduates work in diverse areas, such as information governance, user experience design, digital asset management, information architecture, electronic records management, and librarianship. The SJSU iSchool offers several online educational programs, including a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science, which is fully accredited by the American Library Association; a Master’s degree in Archives and Records Administration; and a Post-Master’s Certificate in Library and Information Science. All programs are delivered online, and the SJSU iSchool is a recognized leader in online education. For more information about the school, please visit:
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