For immediate release | April 12, 2017

Bohyun Kim Elected 2018-19 LITA President

Bohyun Kim, Associate Director for Library Applications and Knowledge Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, has been elected as the 2018-2019 president of the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA). Kim will serve as vice-president/president-elect during 2017-18 and will assume the presidency in July 2018. "I’m honored to be elected and will do my best to serve the LITA membership,” she said when notified.

Kim has served as a member-at-large on the LITA Board of Directors since 2014. She is a member of the 2011 class of ALA Emerging Leaders and has chaired numerous LITA committees and interest groups. She drafted LITA’s official post-election statement on diversity, provided the charge for the LITA Personas Task Force and recruited its members, and participated in creating the current LITA Strategic Plan. Kim has published many articles and given invited/peer-reviewed presentations on a variety of topics related to emerging technologies from the Mobile Web to biohackerspace and their impact on libraries. She currently serves on the ALA Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) Advisory Committee and the ALA Center for the Future of Libraries Advisory Group.

LITA members also elected Lindsay Cronk, Amanda L. Goodman, and Margaret Heller as new Board members-at-large, all of whom will start their term in July 2017 and will serve through June 2020.

We thank the candidates who stood for election, as well as all of our members who voted. Your efforts are crucial to the success of LITA and will help us continue to grow in the future.

About LITA

Established in 1966, the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) is the leading organization reaching out across types of libraries to provide education and services for a broad membership of 2,700 systems librarians, library technologists, library administrators, library schools, vendors, and many others interested in leading edge technology and applications for librarians and information providers. LITA is a division of the American Library Association. Follow LITA on our Blog, Facebook, or Twitter.

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2017-18 LITA President-Elect Bohyun Kim


Jenny Levine

Executive Director


Library and Information Technology Association