For immediate release | December 13, 2016

ODLOS invites webinar proposals

CHICAGO – Do you have a great idea for a webinar? The American Library Association’s (ALA) Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (ODLOS) is seeking proposals from the field that explore diversity, literacy, and outreach in libraries and in the library profession.

Successful online webinar proposals should name all presenters with relative teaching experience, be aligned with the standards and competencies for diversity, clearly outline learning outcomes and Illustrate how the webinar will address a topic of interest for ODLOS. All proposals should show plans for both 60- and 90- minute allotments.

To learn more, and to submit a proposal, please visit

The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services supports library and information science workers in creating safe, responsible, and all-inclusive spaces that serve and represent the entire community. To accomplish this, we decenter power and privilege by facilitating conversations around access and identity as they impact the profession and those we serve. We use a social justice framework to inform library and information science workers' development of resources. We strive to create an association culture where these concerns are incorporated into everybody's everyday work.


John L. Amundsen

Program Officer, Outreach and Communications

ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services

(312) 280-2140