For immediate release | November 1, 2016
LLAMA seeks webinar proposals
CHICAGO — The Library Leadership and Management Association is now accepting proposals for its highly regarded webinar series. All interested presenters or program organizers are encouraged to submit proposals. You do not need to be member to submit a proposal.
Our webinars reach a wide range of library professionals in many different areas, including:
- Leadership and management
- Buildings and equipment
- Human resources
- Public relations and marketing
- Fund raising and development
- Measurement, assessment and evaluation
- Issues for new professionals
- Organization and management
- Systems and services
Proposals may focus on any of these areas or any of LLAMA’s 14 new leadership competencies below. (Other topics will also be considered.)
- Communication skills
- Change management
- Team building (personnel)
- Collaboration and partnerships
- Emotional intelligence
- Problem solving
- Evidence-based decision making
- Conflict resolution (personnel)
- Budget creation and presentation
- Forward thinking
- Critical thinking
- Ethics
- Project management
- Marketing and advocacy
Proposal forms can be found at:
Completed forms are due November 11, 2016.
You can review LLAMA’s upcoming and past webinar offerings by visiting:
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Fred Reuland at
Terry McQuown
Chair, LLAMA Continuing Education Development Committee
Staff Development Coordinator
King County Library System
960 Newport Way NW, Issaquah, WA 98027
Fred Reuland
LLAMA Program Officer, Continuing Education
American Library Association
Library Leadership and Management Association
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