For immediate release | October 4, 2016

GLBTRT, GODORT seek nominations for first-ever Larry Romans Mentorship Award

CHICAGO – The American Library Association (ALA) Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) and Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) is seeking nominations for the inaugural Larry Romans Mentorship Award.

Named for Larry Romans (1947-2016), Head of Government Information and Media Services at Vanderbilt University’s Library from 1983 to 2014, the award recognizes librarians who, through their sustained mentoring efforts, have made a difference in the library profession.

The Award's namesake, Larry Romans, mentored numerous librarians at Vanderbilt University, where he worked for over 30 years. For decades, he was a leader and mentor in the Tennessee Library Association, providing a positive influence on the association and the careers of innumerable librarians, many of whom have gone on to be leaders in ALA. Of particular note, during his 23 years of service to ALA Council, Larry mentored may new and veteran councilors.

The award consists of a citation and $1,000. The award will be presented at the GODORT Awards Program at the ALA Annual Conference. In addition, recognition of the recipient will also take place at beginning of the Stonewall Book Awards Program held at the ALA Annual Conference.

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John Amundsen

Program Officer, Outreach and Communications

ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy & Outreach Services

(312) 280-2140