For immediate release | October 11, 2016

Follett supports AASL’s ESSA implementation efforts

CHICAGO – Follett School Solutions continues to support the importance of school librarians in students educational careers with a matching funds sponsorship of American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL) Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) implementation workshops. Presented nationwide through collaboration with AASL state affiliates, the workshops highlight opportunities within ESSA language for school librarians and school libraries to be included in state and local plans.

“At Follett, we are investing in the future of the role of the librarian,” said Britten Follett, vice president, marketing. “We are committed to educating national, state, local, and district leaders about the role of a school librarian. As master curators of content with expertise in education technology, librarians are more critical than ever. We believe through our advocacy work and support of programs like these workshops, librarians can emerge as leaders in their schools by filling gaps district leaders are currently facing,”

“AASL thanks Follett School Solutions for their continued commitment to school libraries and school librarians,” said AASL President Audrey Church. “While the Every Student Succeeds Act includes effective school library programs in its language, school librarians must be visible and vocal as state and local implementation plans are written. School librarians positively impact student learning. Through the ESSA workshops, AASL is able to provide information and resources for our state affiliates and individual school librarians to use in their advocacy efforts.”

Presented in collaboration with the ALA Office for Library Advocacy and the ALA Washington Office, the state-specific workshops include the most current information on developments at the Federal level, connect ESSA language to the role of the school librarian, and provide recommendations of opportunities at the state and local levels to ensure the ‘effective school library program’ language in ESSA.

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.

Related Links

ESSA State Workshops


Jennifer Habley

Manager, Web Communications

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
