For immediate release | October 17, 2016

AASL releases standards and guidelines research findings

CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has released a summary report of the data collected as part of the evaluation and remodeling of its learning standards and program guidelines. The goal of the research was to assess attitudes and perceptions about the current products, including content and usability. The research also collected information on how AASL might improve its implementation assistance. To read the report, visit

"The standards and guidelines are the backbone of AASL’s community," said Marcia Mardis, editorial board chair. "Each step of the revision process is grounded in, and guided by, the voices of school librarians. Our aim is to articulate and support their teaching, learning and leadership value now and for years to come."

Data was collected through an online survey, six focus groups at the AASL 17th National Conference & Exhibition and at 14 focus groups conducted at seven state conferences. Four common threads appeared in the research data:

  • The AASL standards and guidelines are valued, but underutilized.
  • With refinement, many of the current concepts continue to be relevant.

  • The current presentation is a barrier to utilization—it can be improved and simplified.

  • There are opportunities to facilitate utilization.

The data collected will guide the work of the editorial board rewriting the standards and guidelines as well as the task force responsible for developing an implementation plan. The implementation plan will focus on increasing awareness, understanding, and commitment within the school library profession and stakeholder communities. The new standards documents and implementation materials will launch in the fall of 2017.

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.

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Your Voice, Your Standards!


Jennifer Habley

Manager, Web Communications

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
