For immediate release | June 6, 2016

Registration Open for 2016 ALSC Virtual Institute

The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), announced that registration for the 2016 ALSC Virtual Institute is now open. The Virtual Institute is one of the only virtual conferences devoted solely to children's librarianship, literature and technology.

This event will take place on September 15-16, 2016. Sessions will be held online. There is no special software needed to attend. Programming that was originally scheduled to be held at the canceled 2016 ALSC National Institute, will now be offered via the Virtual Institute.

ALSC has dedicated itself to finding a great way to deliver the content originally proposed for Charlotte Institute. The Virtual Institute is not only a great opportunity for affordable in-house staff trainings; it's also available without the hassle of additional travel fees.

“This is a new endeavor for us, but we are very excited for it. The 2016 ALSC National Institute Planning Task Force worked hard to put together a fantastic lineup of programs and speakers,” said Emily Nanney, chair of the task force. “We’re now pleased that they will have a venue to present their topics online and to a wider audience.”

Paper registrations must be submitted by August 26, 2016. Online registration will continue up to the day of the event. ALSC members receive a discount. Student and group discounts are also available. For more information and registration details for the 2016 ALSC Virtual Institute, please visit:

ALSC, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is the world’s largest organization dedicated to the support and enhancement of library service to children. With a network of more than 4,000 children’s and youth librarians, literature experts, publishers and educational faculty, ALSC is committed to creating a better future for children through libraries. To learn more about ALSC, visit ALSC’s website:


Daniel Bostrom

Marketing Manager, Membership


