For immediate release | October 11, 2016
Diversity in Libraries: An American Libraries Live Interactive Webcast
CHICAGO — Diversity is a term that gets thrown around a lot in the professional world these days, and the library world is no exception. What does diversity mean when it comes to libraries—how do we build a diverse staff? How do we serve diverse communities? How do we make sure our collections and services are diverse? In this month’s episode of American Libraries Live, you and our expert panel will engage in an interactive discussion.
Join us to talk about these issues and more from 2 - 3 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, Oct. 12. You can register at
Joining us for this episode are:
- Mario Ascencio, visual arts liaison librarian, George Mason University Libraries, president,REFORMA
- Melissa Cardenas-Dow, reference and instruction librarian at the University of California–Riverside in Riverside, California
- Jody Gray, director, ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services
- Jessica Jupitus, central branch director, Sacramento Public Library
Registration for this AL Live interactive webcast is available here.
American Libraries Live is an immediate and effective way to get to the heart of the real issues in our industry. With the help of real-time technology, it’s like having your own expert on hand. We look forward to you joining us. To receive e-mail reminders, register for the AL Live webcast. If you’re unable to attend live, this event will be recorded and links to the archive will be available at shortly after it concludes.
For information about advertising or sponsoring an AL Live event, contact: Carrie Smith, American Libraries magazine,, (312) 280-4216. For general information or press inquiries about AL Live, contact: Colton Ursiny, Administrative Assistant,, (312) 280-5100.
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