For immediate release | May 25, 2016
Forging the future of special collections
CHICAGO— Once treated as exclusive spaces for valuable but hidden and under-utilized material, over the past few decades special collections departments have been transformed by increased digitization and educational outreach efforts into unique and highly visible major institutional assets. What libraries must now contemplate is how to continue this momentum by articulating and implementing a dynamic strategic vision for their special collections. Drawing on the expertise of a world-class array of librarians, university faculty, book dealers, collectors, and donors, “Forging the Future of Special Collections,” published by ALA Neal-Schuman, surveys the emerging requirements of today’s knowledge ecosystem and charts a course for the future of special collections. Editors Arnold Hirshon, Robert H. Jackson, and Melissa Hubbard expand upon the proceedings of the National Colloquium on Special Collections organized by the Kelvin Smith Library of Case Western Reserve University in October 2014 to present a timely resource for special collections librarians, administrators, academics, and rare book dealers and collectors. This book:
- recounts the factors that governed the growth and use of special collections in the past;
- explores ways to build 21st-century special collections that are accessible globally, and how to provide the expertise and services necessary to support collection use;
- gives advice on developing and maintaining strong relationships between libraries and collectors, with special attention paid to the importance of donor relations;
- provides critical information on how libraries and their institutions’ faculty can best collaborate to ensure students and other researchers are aware of the resources available to them;
- showcases proactive, forward-thinking approaches to applying digital scholarship techniques to special collections materials;
- looks at how the changes in the way authors work—from analog to digital—increases the importance of archives in preserving the aspects of humanity that elevate us; and
- examines sustainable and scalable approaches to promoting the use of special collections in the digital age, including the roles of social media and crowdsourcing to bring collections directly to the user.
Hirshon has been the Associate Provost and University Librarian at Case Western Reserve University since August 2010. He has an extensive scholarly record that includes many monographs, among them “The Library Strategic Planning Toolkit” (with Stephen Spohn), and “Outsourcing Library Technical Services” (with Barbara Winters). A frequent lecturer nationally and internationally, he has given lectures in nearly 40 countries on a wide range of topics. Jackson is a senior partner at Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, PLL in Cleveland, and is also a noted writer, speaker, and collector of rare books and art. His broad knowledge of, and involvement in, bibliophilic endeavors are reflected in his affiliations with such organizations as the Grolier Club, the Rowfant Club of Cleveland, Association Internationale de Bibliophile (Paris), and the Fellowship of American Bibliophilic Societies, of which he is a founder and past chairman. At Case Western Reserve University, he serves as chair of the Baker-Nord Committee for Humanities Advisory Board. Hubbard is the Head of Special Collections and Archives at Kelvin Smith Library, Case Western Reserve University. She previously served as the Rare Book Librarian at Southern Illinois University.
ALA Store purchases fund advocacy, awareness and accreditation programs for library professionals worldwide. Founded in 1976 by Patricia Glass Schuman and John Vincent Neal, Neal-Schuman Publishers, now an imprint of ALA Publishing, publishes professional books for librarians, archivists, and knowledge managers. Contact us at (800) 545-2433 ext. 5052 or
Related Links
"Forging the Future of Special Collections"
"Rare Books and Special Collections"
"Archives Alive: Expanding Engagement with Public Library Archives and Special Collections"
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