For immediate release | May 6, 2016

Emerging strategies for supporting student learning

CHICAGO — The higher education landscape is rapidly evolving due to changes in the student population (millenials, increasing diversity, changing work habits), technology (the rise in the use of social media), and learning spaces (the increase in physical and virtual social learning spaces). In “Emerging Strategies for Supporting Student Learning: A Practical Guide for Librarians and Educators,” published by Facet Publishing and available through the ALA Store, Barbara Allan presents the first book to bring together recent developments in both theory and practice. She covers a wide range of tools and techniques which will suit students in different contexts, from large groups of 500+ to very small classes of research students. Making extensive use of case studies, examples, checklists, and tables, her practical book contains:

  • an analysis of the current higher education landscape, the changes that are occurring and the diverse nature of student populations;
  • an exploration of new theories of digital literacy including case studies demonstrating how library and information workers have applied these models in practice;
  • a demonstration of the many different ways in which academic library and information services are working in support of student employability;
  • a theoretical overview of different approaches to teaching and learning including Kolb's learning cycle, Laurillard's conversational framework for university teaching, Entwistle's teaching for understanding at university, Land and Meyer's threshold concepts and the Higher Education Academy's work on flexible pedagogies;
  • practical guidance on designing, developing and evaluating courses and other learning and teaching events in different situations including face-to-face, flipped classroom, blended learning, and online learning; and
  • an exploration of approaches to personal and professional development including 90+ approaches to workplace learning; accredited courses; short courses, conferences and workshops; networking through professional organizations; and developing online networks.

Allan is an author and trainer. Her background includes managing workplace and academic libraries. She has spent many years working in business schools where her focus was on enhancing learning, teaching and the student experience, and the internationalization and employability agendas. She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2008. A member of CILIP, her previous books for Facet Publishing include The No-nonsense Guide to Training in Libraries (2013), Supporting Research Students (2009), and Blended Learning (2007).

Facet Publishing, the commercial publishing and bookselling arm of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, is the leading publisher of books for library and information professionals worldwide. ALA Store purchases fund advocacy, awareness and accreditation programs for library professionals worldwide. Contact us at (800) 545-2433 ext. 5052 or

Related Links

"Emerging Strategies for Supporting Student Learning: A Practical Guide for Librarians and Educators"

"Critical Literacy for Information Professionals"

"Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries"


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Marketing Coordinator

American Library Association

ALA Publishing
