For immediate release | May 16, 2016

Critical literacy for information professionals

CHICAGO — With critical literacy there is no single “correct” way to read and respond to a text; its use involves a commitment to equity and social justice through the explicit inclusion of those marginalized on the basis of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, class, or other forms of difference. “Critical Literacy for Information Professionals,” published by Facet Publishing and available through the ALA Store, provides a foundation of critical literacy theory, as applied to libraries; combines theory and practice to explore critical literacy in relation to different user groups; and offers practical ways to introduce critical literacy approaches in libraries. Edited by Sarah McNicol, this book features contributions from a wide variety of international experts and covers such topics as:

  • radical information literacy as an approach to critical literacy education;
  • critical literacy and mature students;
  • physical and digital disability access in libraries;
  • teaching critical literacy skills in a multicultural, multilingual school community;
  • teaching media literacy;
  • developing critical literacy skills in an online environment; and
  • new media and critical literacy in secondary schools.

McNicol is a research associate at the Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. She has worked as an Information Studies researcher since 2000, and has particular interests in information literacy, lifelong learning, and school and children’s libraries. She has published widely in the information studies field and has previously guest edited a number of journals, including Library Review and Library Trends.

Facet Publishing, the commercial publishing and bookselling arm of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, is the leading publisher of books for library and information professionals worldwide. ALA Store purchases fund advocacy, awareness and accreditation programs for library professionals worldwide. Contact us at (800) 545-2433 ext. 5052 or

Related Links

"Critical Literacy for Information Professionals"

"Emerging Strategies for Supporting Student Learning: A Practical Guide for Librarians and Educators"

"Visual Literacy for Libraries: A Practical, Standards-Based Guide"


Rob Christopher

Marketing Coordinator

American Library Association

ALA Publishing
