For immediate release | April 12, 2016
YALSA awarded IMLS Grant to help rural, small, and tribal libraries
CHICAGO — The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) has been awarded $305,085 by the Institute of Museum and Library Services as part of the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarians Program to fund a 3 year joint project with the Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) called, “Future Ready with the Library: Connecting with Communities for College & Career Readiness Services.”
The project aims to co-create a customized learning program for staff at rural, small, and tribal libraries to help them build the knowledge and skills needed to prepare middle schoolers with the 21st century skills needed to succeed in college and their future careers. The project also aims to help these libraries build and expand their capacity through community engagement and partnerships.
In the three year timeline, 80 library staff, separated into three cohorts, will be engaged in the project with 20 participants in the first year and 30 in both year two and three. At the conclusion of the project, tangible, turnkey resources such as templates for program planning and partner development will be freely available and ready for use by the library community at-large.
To be eligible to participate, library staff must be working in libraries with a service population of 15,000 or fewer and/or a library that is 25 miles or more from an urbanized area. The application period for the first cohort will open May 1, 2016.
Visit for updates and to learn more about the project, as well as information about becoming a part of the first cohort.
For more than 50 years, YALSA has worked to build the capacity of libraries and library staff to engage, serve and empower teens. For more information about YALSA or to access national guidelines and other resources go to, or contact the YALSA office by phone, 800-545-2433, ext. 4390; or e-mail:
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums. Our mission is to inspire libraries and museums to advance innovation, lifelong learning, and cultural and civic engagement. Our grant making, policy development, and research help libraries and museums deliver valuable services that make it possible for communities and individuals to thrive. To learn more, visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Anna Lam
Communications Specialist
Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
alam@ala.orgFeatured News