For immediate release | April 29, 2016
Project Outcome hits milestone of 10,000 patron surveys
CHICAGO – Project Outcome has aggregated approximately 11,000 patron surveys within its online system. This milestone comes before the one-year anniversary of Project Outcome’s official launch on June 26, 2015. Project Outcome will continue providing even more ways for libraries to collect patron outcomes by launching its new follow-up surveys during a preconference workshop, June 24, 2016, at ALA Annual in Orlando.
Project Outcome is a free, online service managed by the Public Library Association (PLA) and is dedicated to helping public libraries understand and share the true impact of essential library services and programs. Project Outcome’s patron surveys were designed and developed by the PLA Performance Measurement Task Force comprised of library leaders, researchers and data analysts. The Task Force identified seven library service areas for Project Outcome’s surveys to assess that could be easily and directly linked to improving or changing a patron’s knowledge, behavior, skills, application and awareness:
- Civic/Community Engagement
- Early Childhood Literacy
- Economic Development
- Education/Lifelong Learning
- Job Skills
- Summer Reading
To date, nearly 1,600 participants across all 50 states and parts of Canada have registered for Project Outcome. Over 450 public libraries are currently using the Project Outcome surveys and data analysis tools to measure the outcomes of at least one program or service within their library. Participating libraries have reported being able to use their survey results to make program improvements, change the conversation with their board, and strengthen their partnership action plans and grant funding proposals.
Individuals and public libraries interested in participating in Project Outcome or learning more about outcome measurement can register for free at
Generous funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has allowed PLA to accelerate and expand Project Outcome’s development and implementation. PLA and the Performance Measurement Task Force continue to build more advanced outcome measures and improve upon the online tools for users to continue turning better data into better libraries.
The Public Library Association (PLA) is the largest association dedicated to supporting the unique and evolving needs of public library professionals. Founded in 1944, PLA serves nearly 9,000 members in public libraries large and small in communities across the United States and Canada, with a growing presence around the world. PLA strives to help its members shape the essential institution of public libraries by serving as an indispensable ally for public library leaders.
For more information about PLA, contact the PLA office at 1 (800) 545-2433, ext.5PLA, or
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