For immediate release | April 14, 2016
Deborah D. Levitov wins The Norman Horrocks-Rowman & Littlefield Press Annual Conference Travel Award
CHICAGO — The Norman Horrocks-Rowman & Littlefield Press Annual Conference Travel Award of the Retired Members Round Table will be presented to Deborah D. Levitov of Lincoln, Nebraska, at the RMRT program at 1 p.m. Sunday in Orlando, Florida, during the American Library Association Annual Conference.
The Horrocks Conference Award provides up to $1,000 in annual conference attendance support to a member of ALA and RMRT who is retired from full-time employment and has a record of active involvement in the American Library Association.
Norman Horrocks, for whom the award is named, exemplified this spirit, stating that “I retired from my job but not from my profession.”
Levitov, after a distinguished career as an editor, coordinator of school libraries and elementary school librarian, continues to be active in AASL and manages the School Library Advocacy website (
Danielle M. Alderson
Member Relations/Svcs. Specialist for MPS
Retired Members Round Table of ALA
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