For immediate release | March 1, 2016

HARRASSOWITZ Award to Jim Mouw

CHICAGO — The Acquisitions Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) has selected Jim Mouw, associate university librarian for collection services at the University of Chicago, to receive the 2016 HARRASSOWITZ Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award. The award will be presented on June 25 at the ALCTS Awards Ceremony during the 2016 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference and Exhibition in Orlando.

The award, sponsored annually by HARRASSOWITZ and named in honor of Dr. Knut Dorn, longtime senior managing partner at HARRASSOWITZ, is given to a librarian to recognize outstanding leadership and other contributions in the field of acquisitions and includes a $1,500 monetary award and a citation.

Mouw has well over thirty years of experience working in academic libraries and has demonstrated achievement in the field of acquisitions through his service to professional organization, scholarly contributions, commitment to acquisitions education and the advancement of the profession. In his current role, Mouw leads the University of Chicago Library’s efforts to coordinate collection and related services across disciplines and formats. Mouw has been a member and served in leadership roles on various committees and boards for ALA and five of its divisions; the Illinois Library Association, the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), and most recently, the Kuali Open Library Environment project. The scholarly work Mouw has produced over the years is impressive and includes numerous conference presentations and papers, many of which were invited; a host of peer-reviewed articles; a book chapter; and a book. Mouw has also served in several editorial positions, most notably, editor-in-chief of “Library Collections Acquisitions and Technical Services” between 2004 and 2010.

Mouw has provided leadership and influence in acquisitions education, both through his mentoring efforts and in his twenty year history of serving as an adjuct faculty member in ALA-accredited graduate programs at Dominican University and the College of St. Catherine. Finally, Mouw has greatly influenced the advancement of the profession though serving on numerous publisher and vendor advisory boards.

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) is the national association for information providers who work in collections and technical services, such as acquisitions, cataloging, collection development, preservation and continuing resources in digital and print formats. ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.


Keri Cascio

Executive Director

