For immediate release | March 15, 2016

2017 Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction Selection Committee announced

The 2017 committee is starting work on selecting titles for the longlist for these prestigious awards, now in their sixth year. Since 2015, the shortlist announcements are being made in October (for books published during that calendar year) and winner announcements in January at the ALA Midwinter Meeting. The celebratory event continues to be held at ALA Annual Conference each June.

The 2017 committee includes the following experts who work closely with adult readers.

Andrea J. Copeland, assistant professor in the Department of Library and Information Science, School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University in Indianapolis. About being appointed to the committee, she said, “I'm excited about talking about great books with other book people. . . . Like the Notable Books Council, the Carnegie Medals Committee provides the opportunity to read and share the love of reading.”

Sheryl Cotleur was selected by the American Booksellers Association to represent independent booksellers on the committee, reflecting the impact and influence of the awards on general readers beyond the library. Cotleur, who has been in the book business for 30 years, is the frontlist adult titles buyer (fiction and nonfiction) for Copperfield's Books, an independent group of eight stores near San Francisco. She served on the first Indie’s Introduce jury, and was one of the five jury members for the 2014 National Book Award for Fiction. “Nothing thrills me more than discovering good books that I can’t wait to talk about and share,” she said.

Liz Kirchhoff is Adult Services Librarian at the Barrington Area Library in Illinois, and a published book reviewer. “I was fortunate to be a part of the ALA Notable Books Council, a list that aims to get very excellent and readable books into the hands of many,” she said. “I'm thrilled to continue that very important work with the Carnegie Medals Committee.”

Nancy Pearl, former librarian, author of several Book Lust and Book Crush titles, and regular commentator on books on NPR's Morning Edition and the TV show Book Lust with Nancy Pearl, was the inaugural and four-time chair of this selection committee. Pearl speaks frequently about the pleasures of reading to libraries, literacy organizations, and community groups throughout the world.

Donna Seaman (2017 committee chair) is Booklist Editor, Adult Books. Her reviews and essays have appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, and other publications, and she has received the James Friend Memorial Award for Literary Criticism, the Studs Terkel Humanities Service Award, and Literacy Chicago's Literacy Hero Award. Her author interviews are collected in Writers on the Air: Conversations about Books and she has moderated many author appearances for the American Library Association, the Chicago Public Library, and the Chicago Humanities Festival.

Kaite Mediatore Stover, Director of Readers' Services at the Kansas City Public Library, is the co-editor of The Readers' Advisory Handbook, a Booklist columnist, and co-writes the "Under the Radar" column for Public Libraries. She received the 2012 Allie Beth Martin Award and was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker in 2003. When she's not reading tarot cards, gardening, or tap dancing, she's a merch girl for her husband's numerous bands.

Miriam Tuliao is Assistant Director at BookOps, a fully consolidated, shared library technical services organization that serves the Brooklyn Public Library and the New York Public Library, responsible for both organizations’ strategic collection management and distribution needs. She is also an LIS instructor at both Queens College and Rutgers University.

The 2017 longlist will be announced in September 2016, followed by the six-title shortlist—three each for the fiction and nonfiction medals—in October 2016. The two winning titles will be revealed at the RUSA Book and Media Awards event at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta on Saturday, January 21st, 2017. The celebratory event including presentations by the winners and a featured speaker will take place at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference in June in Chicago.

The 2016 celebratory event will include presentations by the two winners, Sally Mann and Viet Thanh Nguyen, and a featured speaker. The winners will receive their medals, offer remarks, and mingle with attendees, publishers, and ALA leaders on Saturday, June 25, 2016, 8:00-10:00pm. Individual tickets and tables are available to purchase.

The Andrew Carnegie Medals were established in 2012 by the American Library Association and Carnegie Corporation of New York to recognize the best fiction and nonfiction books written for adult readers and published in the U.S. in the previous year. They are the first single-book awards for adult titles given by ALA and are cosponsored and administered by Booklist and RUSA.

For more information and to see past longlists, shortlists, and winners, visit Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction.

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Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction



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