For immediate release | February 23, 2016
Okerson and Holzman monograph wins ALCTS Outstanding Publication Award
CHICAGO — The recipients of the 2016 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Outstanding Publication Award are Ann Okerson and Alex Holzman for their monograph “The Once and Future Publishing Library” (CLIR, 2015).
The Outstanding Publication Award is given annually to honor the author or authors of the year's outstanding monograph, article or original paper in the field of technical services, including acquisitions, cataloging, collection management, preservation, continuing resources and related areas in the library field. Ann Okerson and Alex Holzman will receive a citation and a $250 monetary award on June 25 at the ALCTS Awards Ceremony during the 2016 ALA Annual Conference and Exposition in Orlando.
“The Once and Future Publishing Library” successfully sets the current issues and debates over libraries’ partnerships in publishing into a broader historical context. This monograph demonstrates the breadth, depth and complexity around conversations and ventures taking place in a climate marked by great flux. Drawing on a wide range of sources and studies, the authors offer an important contribution to our current understanding of libraries as publishers. The topic is timely, the insights incisive and the work is rich with questions and recommendations.
Okerson joined the Center for Research Libraries in fall 2011 as senior advisor on Electronic Strategies, working with that organization to reconfigure and redirect various existing programs into digital mode. She also is an INASP Associate, responsible for that organization's agreements between developing nations consortia and publishers. Previous wide-ranging experience includes 15 years as associate university librarian for Collections & International Programs at Yale University.
Holzman retired as Temple University Press director in 2014 and now heads Alex Publishing Solutions. He has, during a forty-year career, been involved in scholarship as press director, editor, electronic publishing coordinator, author, speaker and salesperson at Temple, Cambridge University Press, Ohio State University Press and Charles Scribner’s Sons. He is currently a Fellow at the Social Science Research Council, a member of the Board of Directors of Transaction Publishers and Senior Editorial Consultant at Lynne Rienner Publishers.
The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) is the national association for information providers who work in collections and technical services, such as acquisitions, cataloging, collection development, preservation and continuing resources in digital and print formats. ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.
Related Links
The Once and Future Publishing Library, CLIR, 2015
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