For immediate release | February 24, 2016
Learn about the future of the cloud of things at ALCTS President’s Program in Orlando
CHICAGO — Dr. Michael R. Nelson, Public Policy, CloudFlare and Adjunct Professor, Internet Studies, at Georgetown University, is the featured speaker at the President’s Program of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). The President’s Program “The Future of the Internet and the ‘Cloud of Things’” will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, June 27, 2016 during the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Orlando.
In the coming ten years, we will see more new tools and business models than in the last twenty-five. Cloud technology combined with broadband wireless, sensors, Big Data and machine learning will transform how we interact with information and will fundamentally change the way we interact with the world and each other. Dr. Nelson will discuss principles (open standards, the free flow of information, transparency and empowering users) that will allow these coming changes to benefit people globally.
Dr. Nelson works on Internet-related global public policy issues for CloudFlare, a startup that has improved the performance and security of more than 2 million websites. Prior to joining CloudFlare, he was a principal technology policy strategist in Microsoft’s Technology Policy Group, a senior Technology and Telecommunications Analyst with Bloomberg Government and director of Internet technology and strategy at IBM.
Prior to joining IBM, Dr. Nelson was director for technology policy at the Federal Communications Commission, where he helped craft policies to foster electronic commerce and spur development and deployment of new technologies. Before that Dr. Nelson was the special assistant for information technology at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. There he worked with Vice President Gore and the President's science advisor on issues relating to the Global Information Infrastructure, including telecommunications policy, information technology, encryption, electronic commerce and information policy.
ALCTS is the national association for information providers who work in collections and technical services, such as acquisitions, cataloging, metadata, collection management, preservation, electronic and continuing resources. ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.
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