For immediate release | May 9, 2017

Rachel Williams Wins the 2017 Jesse H. Shera Award for the Support of Dissertation Research

CHICAGO — Rachel Williams has been named the 2017 winner of the Library Research Round Table (LRRT) Jesse H. Shera Award for the Support of Dissertation Research for her project entitled "Performing Boundary Work: An Exploration of Public Library Workers’ Provision of Information Services to People Experiencing Homelessness.” The annual award recognizes dissertation research employing exemplary research design and methods, honoring the recipient with a certificate and $250.
The award committee, in its statement about the decision, said, “This unique and important research, combined with the topic’s societal significance, can contribute to better supporting library staff serving people experiencing homelessness. The findings have the potential to support adding other community services to libraries, such as a visiting social worker.”
LRRT was founded in 1968 to contribute toward the extension and improvement of library research by providing public program opportunities for describing and evaluating library research projects and for disseminating their findings. LRRT is dedicated to informing and educating ALA members regarding research techniques and their usefulness in obtaining information. The information must help users reach administrative decisions and solve problems and expand the theoretical base of the field by serving as a forum for discussion and action on issues related to the literature and information needs for the field of library and information science.
For more information about the Library Research Round Table see:
For guidelines and a list of previous Jesse H. Shera Award for the Support of Dissertation Research winners see:


Kelsey Henke

Program Officer

American Library Association

Office of Research & Evaluation