For immediate release | January 12, 2016
Build community-business partnerships through embedded librarianship, new workshop
CHICAGO — ALA Publishing eLearning announces a new workshop, Building Community-Business Partnerships through Embedded Librarianship, with Barbara Alvarez. This workshop will last 90 minutes and is hosted live at 1:00 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, March 3,2016.
Embedded Business Librarianship is integral to the progress of the public library and the local business community, but sometimes one doesn’t know where to get started. In this new workshop, Barbara Alvarez will discuss how you can position yourself as an expert, speaker, and trainer in the business community. You will learn about the philosophy of embedded librarianship and how that differs from providing outreach; relevant and insightful presentations and workshops that you can implement to generate future speaking engagements and referrals; and the five-step process that provides an action plan for starting an embedded relationship in the business community.
After this workshop, you will be positioned to participate and join in merchant gatherings, networking groups, career centers, and professional organizations. Through honest and open engagement, people that ordinarily would never think of using their local library as a place that adds value to their business and their life have become the public library’s advocates. This workshop will provide you with strategies to establish these and maintain these relationships.
After participating in this workshop, you’ll be able to:
- develop a new role or transition existing roles that follow the embedded librarianship philosophy and guidelines in the business community;
- identify business organizations, groups, and individuals with which to form potential partnerships with;
- execute the five-step process that will position you as an expert, speaker, and trainer in your business community;
- create follow-up opportunities that will build sustainable relationships between local business owners, professionals, and job seekers and the public library.
About the Instructor:
Barbara Alvarez is the Head of Adult Services at Westmont Public Library. Previously she was an embedded Business Liaison, where she developed and maintained meaningful partnerships with local business owners, professionals, and job seekers. Barbara received her MLIS from the University of Illinois and is the author of Embedded Business Librarianship: Building Transformative Connections with Your Public Library’s Business Community. She was the 2015 recipient for the RUSA Morningstar Public Librarian Support Award and a 2015 Athena Leadership Award Nominee.
Registration for this ALA Publishing Workshop is available on the ALA Store. You can purchase registration at both individual and group rates.
ALA Publishing Workshops are designed to give you and your staff the opportunity to participate in a hands-on learning experience that will help you make the best technology decisions for your library.
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