For immediate release | December 18, 2015
More storytime magic
CHICAGO— Kathy MacMillan and Christine Kirker’s knack for creating storytimes that engage and delight young ones have made their previous books bestsellers. Now they’re back with “More Storytime Magic,” published by ALA Editions, an all-new assortment of original fingerplays, transitional rhymes, movement songs, flannelboards, sign language rhymes and other activities to spice up storytimes for ages two and up. This ready-to-go sourcebook for children’s librarians, early literacy specialists, and other adults who work with young children offers everything needed to plan and host quality storytimes, including:
- more than a dozen thematic groupings of activities, featuring such fun topics such as “All About Me,” “Bugs and Insects,” “Fairy Tales and Castles,” and “People in my Neighborhood”;
- recommended storytime books for each theme, along with material lists, patterns for flannelboards and stick puppets, and illustrations of American Sign Language signs; and
- coding for each entry indicating which Common Core State Standards for Kindergarten skills it supports.
MacMillan and Kirker are the coauthors of four previous volumes in the Storytime Magic series from ALA Editions: “Storytime Magic” (2009), “Kindergarten Magic” (2011), “Multicultural Storytime Magic” (2012), and “Baby Storytime Magic” (2014). They also share storytime resources at their website, Storytime Stuff. MacMillan is a writer, American Sign Language interpreter, and storyteller. She is also the author of “A Box Full of Tales” and “Little Hands and Big Hands: Children and Adults Signing Together,” among other books. She has worked in school and public libraries since 1997, specializing in programming for all ages. She presents American Sign Language programs and resources at Stories By Hand. Kirker is a library associate with the Carroll County (Maryland) Public Library. Since joining the library staff in 2005, she has developed and presented many programs for children of all ages, including monthly preschool science programs.
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"Baby Storytime Magic: Active Early Literacy Through Bounces, Rhymes, Tickles and More"
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