For immediate release | June 17, 2014
United for Libraries to present programs for Trustees, Friends and Foundations at Annual Conference
PHILADELPHIA – United for Libraries will host “Nuts & Bolts for Friends, Trustees and Foundations” from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, June 27 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, S219, during the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas.
Jan Masaoka, director and editor in chief of Blue Avocado (, will speak on “Libraries, Advocacy and the Meaning of Life.” Robert Karatsu, library director of the Rancho Cucamonga (Calif.) Public Library, will speak on “The Nuts and Bolts of Working with your Friends, Foundation and Library Board (and Dealing with Your Library Director All at the Same Time…).” In the afternoon, roundtable discussions will be held on marketing and public relations, academic friends of the library groups, book clubs, library programming, evaluating the library director and more. For the full agenda, visit To RSVP, email
In addition to “Nuts & Bolts” United for Libraries, will host several other programs and discussion groups.
“Making an Impact: Proven Grassroots Strategies for Friends, Trustees, Advocates, and Foundations” (10:30 to 11:30 p.m., Saturday, June 28) is cosponsored by the ALA Washington Office and will provide examples of how to have an impact through grassroots organizing and messaging. The session will be led by advocacy expert Stephanie Vance.
“3D Printers & Library Polices” (1 to 2:30 p.m., Saturday, June 28), cosponsored by ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom and Office for Information Technology Policy, will cover what libraries with 3D printers need to know about crafting policies.
“Getting a Bigger Piece of the Pie: Effective Communication with Funders & Policy Makers” (1 to 2:30 p.m., Sunday, June 29) will teach advocates how to get to know, communicate with and influence those who approve the library’s budget.
United for Libraries will also host discussion groups for public library trustees, friends of the library, academic library friends and development officers, and library foundations.
Those planning to attend the Nuts & Bolts program should RSVP to For information on registering to attend United for Libraries programs, visit For a detailed listing of United for Libraries programs at the ALA Annual Conference, including locations, visit
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Ways to stay in touch and get updates and ongoing information include the Annual Conference website; Twitter @alaannual and #alaac14; Facebook; Pinterest; Google +; and Tumblr
United for Libraries: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations, is a division of the American Library Association that supports those who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for libraries. United for Libraries brings together library Trustees, advocates, friends, and foundations into a partnership that creates a powerful force for libraries in the 21st century. For more information or to join United for Libraries, visit the United for Libraries website or contact Jillian Kalonick at (312) 280-2161 or
Jillian Kalonick
Marketing/Public Relations Specialist
United for Libraries
jkalonick@ala.orgFeatured News