For immediate release | June 24, 2014
Lauren Stamm chosen for the 2014 Tom and Roberta Drewes Scholarship
CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) has chosen Lauren Stamm of Allen Park, Mich., as the 2014 Tom and Roberta Drewes Scholarship recipient.
The $3,000 scholarship is awarded to a library support staff worker who is pursuing a master’s degree in library and information science.
Stamm’s interest in research, preservation and archives began at a very early age, when her grandmother allowed her to view family videos as a way to entertain her. She was fascinated by the historical images and soon began collecting photographs, old newspaper clippings and other remnants of her family’s history. Stamm said she “had a strong appreciation for the past, but also a desire to preserve the present for future generations.”
Stamm’s interest in these areas continued to develop and led her to receive her undergraduate degree in history and art history. Currently, Stamm works as a research support specialist. This position has allowed her the opportunity to explore careers in research and archives. It has also fueled her passion for preserving and sharing the past. Stamm’s goal is to work with others to help them discover and preserve the past and present.
Stamm will be attending the University of Michigan.
For information on the ALA Scholarship program, visit our scholarship page.
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Kimberly Redd
Program Officer
Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment
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