For immediate release | May 5, 2014
Ann Campion Riley elected ACRL vice-president/president-elect
CHICAGO — Ann Campion Riley, associate director for access, collections and technical services at the University of Missouri, has been elected ACRL vice-president/president-elect. She will become president-elect following the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, and assume the presidency in July 2015 for a one-year term.
John P. Culshaw, university librarian at the University of Iowa, and Kim Leeder, director of library services at the College of Western Idaho, have been elected to the ACRL Board of Directors as director-at-large.
“I am thrilled to be the next person on a long line of hard-working librarians to have the opportunity of leading ACRL,” Riley said. “The inspiring experience of working with a future-oriented Board of Directors will be wonderful. Active ACRL members are all hard-workers, and bring a great spirit of inquiry to the organization. Furthering ACRL's current initiatives such as the Value of Libraries work and the study of the role of research data curation in libraries are continuing challenges. Looking for the next set of challenges won't take long as ACRL looks forward and works to engage and serve new and current members.”
Riley’s activities in ACRL include serving as a member of the ACRL Board of Directors (2009–2013), ACRL Chapters Council (2003-2005), ACRL Library Advocacy Institute (2003), Regional Advocacy Trainer (2003-2005), member-at-large of the Distance Learning Section (DLS), (2001-2003), chair of the DLS Membership Committee (2004-2006), secretary of the Community and Junior College Library Section (CJCLS) (1999-2001) and CJCLS Resources Review Committee chair (1996-1999).
“ACRL is delighted to have Ann Campion Riley join the Board as vice-president/president-elect,” said ACRL Executive Director Mary Ellen K. Davis. “Ann was a director-at-large on the ACRL Board from 2009-2013 and has a long history of service to ACRL. Her knowledge of ACRL, academic librarianship and the broader higher education environment, along with her leadership in both ACRL and other organizations, will be an asset to the Board as it continues to work with members to meet their needs and to advance the Plan for Excellence.”
Riley’s work with state and regional associations includes serving on the Great Western Library Alliance (GWLA) Collection Development Committee (2009-present), Great Plains Network (GPN) and GWLA Advisory Council on the Management of the Lifecycle of Research Data Project (2012-present), GWLA Digital Collections Committee (2007-2010), Missouri Library Association (MLA) Awards Committee chair (2007-2009), as MLA president (2005) and as president of the Missouri Association of College and Research Libraries (2003).
Her awards include being honored as a Research Library Leadership Fellow by the Association of Research Libraries (2011–2012), and as a Global Scholar by the University of Missouri (2010). She has been awarded the “You Make a Difference Award” by the Saint Louis Community College (2004). She has also been honored with participation in Leadership Chesterfield (2001), LEADERS 1999, National Institute of Leadership Development and Beta Phi Mu.
Her publications and presentations include “The Community of Libraries” column in MOinfo: Newsletter of the Missouri Library Association (2005); coauthor of “Caution! Hazardous Substances: Recognizing and Deflecting Toxic Personalities in the Workplace,” presented at the ACRL National Conference in Baltimore (2007); and coauthor of “Using Staff Focus Groups to Help in Services Assessment” published in the Proceedings of the North Central Association Annual Meeting (2001).
Riley earned her MSLS along with her AB in English from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a MA degree in English from the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
For full ACRL election results, visit the ACRL website.
The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) is the higher education association for librarians. Representing more than 11,500 academic and research librarians and interested individuals, ACRL (a division of the American Library Association) is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to help academic and research librarians learn, innovate and lead within the academic community. Founded in 1940, ACRL is committed to advancing learning and transforming scholarship. ACRL is on the Web at, Facebook at and Twitter at @ala_acrl.
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