For immediate release | April 10, 2015

2015 ASCLA Award winners announced

CHICAGO — The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) 2015 Award winners have been selected. The awards program recognizes outstanding achievement within the library profession by librarians and libraries for significant current or past achievements, including publications, program development and leadership in the profession.

The Awards Ceremony and Reception will be held from 5:45 – 7:15 p.m. on Saturday, June 27 at the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco (location TBA). All conference attendees are invited to the event. Additional event details will be available on the ASCLA website in mid-April.

The following recipients were honored.

Carol Ann Desch, coordinator of Statewide Library Service, New York State Library is the 2015 recipient of the Cathleen Bourdon Service Award, which is named after former ASCLA Executive Director Cathleen Bourdon. Carol was instrumental in reviving the new Library Consultants Interest Group and in developing the Library Consultant’s Code of Ethics—both of which have added to the overall strength of ASCLA. Desch will receive a citation.

Cheryl O O’Conner has been chosen to receive the 2015 Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) Leadership and Professional Achievement Award for her hard work joining four vibrant, but independent regional cooperatives into one state-wide cooperative. O’Connor eloquently endowed the project with leadership, expertise, vision and commitment. Under her leadership, LibraryLinkNJ provides a variety of services on which New Jersey libraries depend upon, including delivery, continuing education, statewide leadership on technology and innovation and access to discounted databases. She will receive a citation.

New Port Richey (Florida) Public Library / Red Apple Training Center Adult Reading Program is the winner of the ASCLA/Keystone Library Automation System (KLAS) & National Organization on Disability (NOD) Award. New Port Richey Public Library / Red Apple Training Center Adult Reading Program was selected for its literacy initiative, which encourages adults with special needs to read, read, read! In fact, testimonials indicated that the program gave them the motivation they needed to keep reading. This type of program and its success exemplifies the mission of a librarian. The award consists of $1,000 and a citation supported by Kay and David Holloman of Keystone Systems, developer of the Keystone Library Automation System (KLAS), and the National Organization on Disability.

The Francis Joseph Campbell Award goes to Adam Stephen Szczepaniak, Jr., director and associate state librarian, New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center. He is selected for his outstanding contribution to the advancement of library service for blind and physically handicapped people. His creation of The Outspoken Library has benefitted over 30 public libraries in the state of New Jersey. The Outspoken Library is a concept which can be replicated throughout the country and bring library materials to more people. Mr. Szczepaniak will receive a citation and a medal. Visit the Royal National College for the Blind website to read more about Francis Joseph Campbell, for whom this award is named.

Mary Morgan, librarian to the Kentucky Department of Corrections Luther Luckett Correctional Facility, will receive ASCLA’s Exceptional Service Award. She is recognized for her tireless advocacy of the importance of library services to the inmates she serves. She is ever-present, calm, supportive and respectful. She is a strong and strict role model and disciplinarian, who has commanded, the inmates’ love and respect through focusing on them and their library needs. Her outstanding work has enriched the lives of the incarcerated for years to come. Morgan will receive a citation.

ASCLA, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is a diverse organization of librarians and support staff who work in academic and public libraries, state agencies, specialized libraries and multi-type cooperatives, as well as those who are self-employed. Not an ASCLA member, but interested in discounted registration rates on conference, ASCLA preconferences and other ASCLA events? Join, renew or add ASCLA to your ALA membership at


Marianne Braverman

Marketing and Programs Manager

Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies