For immediate release | December 26, 2013
'Integrating iPads and Tablet Computers into Library Services'
CHICAGO - ALA TechSource announces an exciting new workshop, Integrating iPads and Tablet Computers into Library Services, with Carolyn Meier and Heather Moorefield-Lang. This workshop will consist of two 90-minute sessions that will take place at 2:30 p.m. Eastern on Thursdays, Feb. 13 and 20, 2014.
Spurred by the launch of the iPad, the use and popularity of tablet computers has exploded. Tablets offer major potential for library services, including the ability to increase productivity and improve your library’s programs in such areas as reference services, collection management and library instruction. In this two-part ALA TechSource workshop, Virginia Tech librarians Carolyn Meier and Heather Moorefield-Lang will share their experiences with a multifaceted program, guiding you step-by-step in building a tablet program, from choosing and purchasing tablets through deployment.
Topics include:
- comparing platforms and features of tablet computers and other mobile devices;
- how to select and purchase according to your library’s needs and technology environment;
- developing policies related to tablet circulation (among both patrons and library staff), connectivity and content;
- ways to use tablets to increase staff productivity and enhance professional development;
- using tablets to enhance reference and instructional services, collection management and administrative responsibilities.
About the Instructors
Carolyn Meier is an instructional services librarian and coordinates First Year instruction in Newman Library at Virginia Tech. She received a BA in English from Ohio Dominican College, her MLS from the University of Michigan and has an ED.S in Instructional Technology from Virginia Tech. She presently serves as co-chair of the LIRT Transition to College committee. Her research interests focus on information literacy, assessment and outreach. Her work interests include new methods for improving instruction and finding new technologies to reach students.
Heather Moorefield-Lang, the education and applied social sciences librarian for Virginia Tech, received her MLIS from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and her doctorate in Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has published several articles on technology in libraries and education, as well as on the topic of arts in education and libraries. She is the chair of the AASL Best Websites for Teaching and Learning Committee.
Registration for this ALA TechSource Workshop is available on the ALA Store. You can purchase registration at both individual and group rates.
ALA TechSource Workshops are designed to give you and your staff the opportunity to participate in a hands‐on learning experience that will help you make the best technology decisions for your library.
ALA TechSource is a publishing imprint of the American Library Association. ALA TechSource publishes Library Technology Reports and the ALA TechSource Blog.
ALA Store purchases fund advocacy, awareness, and accreditation programs for library professionals worldwide.
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