For immediate release | October 1, 2013

Call for LLAMA webinar proposals for Winter/Spring 2014

CHICAGO - Do you have a good idea for a webinar topic? Now you can share your expertise and reach a wide and diverse audience by presenting a LLAMA webinar. The Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) is now accepting webinar proposals for January – April, 2014. All interested presenters or program organizers are encouraged to submit proposals. Presenters will receive honorariums.

More information and proposal forms are available at

Completed forms are due Nov. 13, 2013.

For more information contact Fred Reuland at .

About the Library Leadership and Management Association

The Library Leadership and Management Association ( advances outstanding leadership and management practices in library and information services by encouraging and nurturing individual excellence in current and aspiring library leaders. LLAMA is a division of the American Library Association.


Fred Reuland

Program officer, continuing education