For immediate release | September 3, 2013

Nomination period open for 2014 RUSA achievement awards, research and travel grants

CHICAGO — The nomination period is now open for the many achievement awards and conference travel and research grants offered by the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).

RUSA, which represents librarians and information service professionals in reference, collection development, adult readers' advisory, genealogy, resource sharing and user services, is accepting nominations for the following 2014 awards. The deadline for all nominations is Dec. 15, 2013, with the exception of the BRASS Gale Cengage Learning Student Travel Award, which has a deadline of Jan. 31, 2014. Award criteria, nomination forms and instructions for submissions are available at each of the award’s Web pages below.

Professional Achievement Awards for Individuals and Groups

Travel Grants to ALA Annual Conference

Research Grants

More information about these awards, including nominating and submission instructions, can be found at the RUSA Awards Web page. Monetary award amounts are subject to change without notice and are contingent upon donor funding supplied at the time the award is presented. Questions about these awards should be directed to the committee chairperson or to Leighann Wood, RUSA awards program coordinator, at

RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials they need. Learn more about the association at

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RUSA Awards


Leighann Wood

Membership Assistant

Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)