For immediate release | September 3, 2013

ASCLA 2014 Midwinter workshops: leadership success, online course design and how to become a library consultant

CHICAGO - Designing online courses, the secrets to successful leadership and how to become a library consultant are some of the exciting topics to be addressed at institutes offered by the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) at the 2014 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia.

ASCLA, a small, mighty and innovative division of the American Library Association, is known for high quality educational events that offer skills and information to transform your library or your career. These 2014 Midwinter institutes continue this outstanding tradition with three institutes and one networking luncheon scheduled between Thursday, Jan. 23 and Saturday, Jan. 25.

All of these events require advance ticket purchase, however registration for the 2014 Midwinter Meeting is not required in order to purchase a ticket. Bundle registration for 2014 Midwinter institutes, the 2014 Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference will open on Sept. 9. Regular Midwinter meeting registration will open on Oct. 1. ASCLA members receive the best registration rates on all of these events; learn more about ASCLA and join today.

Visit beginning Sept. 9 for more information about Bundle registration. Additional meeting information can be found at

This year’s Midwinter institutes and events hosted by ASCLA are:

Designing Online Courses for Significant Learning Experiences

8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Friday, Jan. 24

Are you a teaching librarian currently offering an online course but looking for ways to enhance the course structure and content? Are you a seasoned professional with special skills and expertise that you see a market for via an e-course? Developing and teaching online courses that create the best possible learning experiences for student participants is both an art and a science. Using a collaborative, hands-on approach, presenters Dr. Stewart Ross and Linda Jacoby of internationally known consulting firm Dee Fink and Associates will guide institute participants through the (re)design of an online course using an integrated course design template. At the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills and confidence to assist others in the development of online courses, or to develop their own online training modules or courses. The techniques applied in this session can also be applied to face-to-face course development. All participants will receive certificates of participation. REGISTRATION RATES: ASCLA members, $279; ALA members, $299; non-ALA members, $349; Student/Retired members of ALA, $229.

Knowing You, Knowing Them: The Secret to Successful Leadership

9 a.m. - 4 p.m, Friday, Jan. 24

One of the biggest challenges of leading others is understanding what makes them tick. This full-day workshop will help you understand both yourself in light of your leadership responsibilities and those who work for you. Instead of offering a checklist or template of how-tos, presenter Linda Bruno, MBA, will focus on the human element of leadership. You will leave this session with insights into personalities, emotional intelligence, dealing with change and creating a motivating environment - secrets that can help you be a more successful leader! Linda has presented several workshops for ASCLA and receives rave reviews for her content and presentations. REGISTRATION RATES: ASCLA members, $279; ALA members, $299; non-ALA members, $339; Student/Retired members of ALA, $229.

Assembling a Consulting Toolkit: What You Need to Know to be a Successful Library Consultant

1 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 23 and 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Friday, Jan. 24

ASCLA - the home to library consultants and independent librarians within ALA - is bringing back its wildly successful, sell-out workshop! Seasoned consultants Nancy Bolt and Liz Bishoff will present an overview of the consultant’s role and guide you through an active and engaging self-assessment to uncover your unique consulting potential and strengths. Takeaways include marketing tips, pricing your services, responding to RFPs, finding clients, business management strategies and so much more. Note that this event is held over two days--Thursday afternoon and Friday morning--with an opportunity for networking on Thursday evening. This institute will not be offered in Las Vegas, so don’t miss out on this opportunity! REGISTRATION RATES: ASCLA members, $279; ALA members, $299; non-ALA members, $339; Student/Retired members of ALA, $229.

Consultants Networking Luncheon hosted by ASCLA Library Consultants Interest Group

10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25,

Lunch and learn with colleagues! This event provides an opportunity for consultants and independent librarians to make connections with other professionals. We’ll also have an hour of education focused on valuable skills for consultants; last year’s event covered icebreaker activities, refining your elevator speech and Twitter. The event is hosted by ASCLA’s Library Consultants Interest Group ( Whether you’re new to consulting or have decades of experience, please join this fun group for some peer-to-peer networking and education. REGISTRATION RATES: ASCLA members, $79; ALA members, $95; non-ALA members, $99; Student/Retired members of ALA, $79.

ASCLA, a small, mighty and growing division of the American Library Association (ALA), is a diverse organization of librarians and support staff who work in academic and public libraries, state agencies, specialized libraries and cooperatives, as well as those who are self-employed. Our division’s work centers on member-driven interest groups that represent the diversity and important work of our engaged and active members. Learn more about ASCLA and how to join this innovative division.

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Liz Markel

Marketing & Programs Manager