For immediate release | August 6, 2013

The future of the library catalogue

CHICAGO— New digital technologies, the Internet, and user expectations have changed the role of the catalogue in libraries considerably in recent years. “Catalogue 2.0: The Future of the Library Catalogue,” edited by Sally Chambers, takes into account developments that influence catalogue potential and patrons’ needs, such as competition from popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia, to provide an overview of the current state of the art of the library catalogue while looking ahead to see what the library catalogue might become. Key leaders in the field such as Karen Calhoun, Lorcan Dempsey, Emmanuelle Bermès, and Marshall Breeding discuss cutting-edge issues such as:

  • Next generation catalogues;
  • Making search work for the library user;
  • Next-generation discovery: an overview of the European Scene;
  • The mobile library catalogue;
  • FRBRizing your catalogue;
  • Enabling your catalogue for the Semantic Web;
  • Supporting digital scholarship: bibliographic control, library co-operatives and open access repositories;
  • 13 ways of looking at libraries, discovery and the catalogue: scale, workflow, attention.

Chambers is Secretary-General, DARIAH-EU Coordination Office at Göttingen Center for Digital Humanities, Germany.

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Related Links

"Catalogue 2.0: The Future of the Library Catalogue"

"Information Resource Description: Creating and Managing Metadata"

Library Technology Reports, "Understanding the Semantic Web" and "RDA Vocabularies" (Two-Issue Set)


Rob Christopher

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American Library Association

ALA Publishing
