For immediate release | July 2, 2013

Ruth V. Small and Mega Subramaniam named AASL School Library Research editors

CHICAGO — The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has appointed Ruth V. Small and Mega Subramaniam as co-editors of its peer-reviewed online journal, School Library Research (SLR). Small and Subramaniam assume the roles previously filled by Jean Donham and Carol Tilley.

Small currently serves as professor and director of the school media program for Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies, of which she is the founding director. She also concurrently serves as a faculty associate for the Center for Research on Collaboratories and Technology Enhanced Learning Communities at American University. Small earned her Ph.D. from Syracuse University in the discipline development and evaluation of instructional design. Small’s research interests include the application of motivation theories and models to a variety of information contexts and the motivational influences on and information resource needs of young innovators.

Subramaniam, who earned her Ph.D. in information studies at Florida State University, is currently the associate director for the Information Policy and Access Center and an assistant professor in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland. A frequent and respected contributor to SLR and a member of the editorial board, Subramaniam’s research interests include the use of school libraries as effective hybrid spaces to encourage interest among underserved, underrepresented and disadvantaged young adults.

School Library Research is a first-choice journal for research in the school library arena,” said Gail Dickinson, AASL president. “SLR has the ability to immediately inform both scholars and practitioners on the latest developments in learning and libraries. With the appointment of Dr. Small and Dr. Subramaniam, we ensure our prestigious position in the rigorous and competitive world of scholarly peer-reviewed journals.”

School Library Research (ISSN: 2165-1019) is the successor to School Library Media Research (ISSN: 1523-4320) and School Library Media Quarterly Online. The journal is peer-reviewed, indexed by H. W. Wilson's Library Literature and by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology and continues to welcome manuscripts that focus on high-quality original research concerning the management, implementation and evaluation of school library programs.

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.


Jennifer Habley

Manager, Web Communications

