For immediate release | July 22, 2013

ALSC announces new mentoring program

CHICAGO — The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) announced the beginning of a new mentoring program this fall. The program, which is open to members and non-members, is intended to help build a new collection of leaders in the field of library service to children. Applications are now open for both mentors and mentees. Registration ends on Friday, August 30, 2013.

“We’re excited to be able to offer this program to a wide range of individuals interested in children’s library service,” said ALSC President Starr LaTronica. “The mentoring program goes hand-in-hand with our interest in empowering members and expanding opportunity for all library workers serving children.”

The program lasts one year. Mentee applicants do not need to be ALSC or ALA members. The only requirement is that mentees have some connection to children’s library service. Mentees may be students, early career professionals, individuals returning to the profession, or those who would like to refine their skills, make connections, and learn more about children’s librarianship as a career. Mentor applicants must be ALSC members and should have experience working in the field of children’s librarianship or children’s literature.

Mentors and mentees who apply to the program will be matched by members of the ALSC Membership and Managing Children’s Services Committees. The mentoring program was developed through the hard work of these two committees. ALSC cannot guarantee that every applicant will be matched.

“Working on this program has been a fun challenge,” said Managing Children’s Services Committee chair Ann Schwab, “I believe that the openness and the flexibility are strengths of this program. We know that librarians are busy people, but we feel that the program offers participants the chance to develop in a relaxed yet professional setting.”

The program was developed based on the recommendations of the 2012 ALSC Emerging Leader Project Team. It is a one-year program with two application periods (one in summer, one in winter). The program received the support of the ALSC Board of Directors at the 2013 ALA Annual Conference.

For more information on the ALSC Mentoring Program or to apply, please visit


Dan Rude

Marketing Specialist, Membership

Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC)
