For immediate release | June 7, 2013
Mobile app for 2013 ALA Annual Conference Scheduler released
CHICAGO - Attendees can keep track of everything while on the go at the 2013 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago—the mobile app for the Conference Scheduler puts all the information right at your fingertips, including your existing schedule, list of exhibitors and personal notes from the full Scheduler site. Just log in with the same username and password you use on the Scheduler to access all of your existing conference information.
Highlights of the Scheduler include: multiple ways to browse sessions and events and ease of adding, prioritizing and updating them; an easy-to-create personal schedule that can be shared or kept private; tailored lists of recommendations based on division, groups, library type and interests specified in the user profile; ease of adding booth visits and meetings with specific exhibitors; finding an attendee to send a personal message; and getting word on any session or program cancellations.
All the information to get going with the mobile app is on the Annual Conference site.
Register and book housing now for 2013 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition. (Advance registration rates end June 21.)
Ways to stay in touch, make plans, get updates, and join the conversations include; Cognotes previews; Twitter: #ala2013; the Conference Scheduler; the Facebook Event; the Pinterest page; and the conference Tumblr.
ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition--Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves
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ALA Annual Conference Scheduler
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