For immediate release | June 6, 2013
Global thought leaders examine the future of scholarly communication
CHICAGO — Governments and societies around the globe agree that a vibrant and productive research community underpins a successful knowledge economy. But the context, mechanisms and channels of research communication are in flux. “The Future of Scholarly Communication,” published by Facet Publishing and available through the ALA Store, presents analysis of these new trends and drivers, their implications and a future framework. Editors Deborah Shorley and Michael Jubb draw together the informed commentary of internationally renowned experts from a wide variety of backgrounds to define the future of research communication. Essential reading for all concerned with the rapidly evolving scholarly communications landscape, including researchers, librarians, publishers, funders and academics, the book's key topics include:
- Changing ways of sharing research in chemistry;
- Supporting qualitative research in the humanities and social sciences;
- Creative communication in a “publish or perish” culture;
- Cybertaxonomy;
- Coping with the data deluge;
- Social media and scholarly communications;
- The changing role of the publisher in the scholarly communications process;
- Researchers and scholarly communications;
- The changing role of the journal editor;
- The view of the research funder;
- Changing institutional research strategies;
- The role of the research library;
- Perspectives of library users.
Shorley is director of library services at Imperial College, London and is responsible for seven libraries as well as a large virtual collection of electronic resources. She is currently head of UKRR, chair of MIMAS, a member of the JISC Collections Board, a member of the RLUK Board and a member of the Conseil Scientifique of ABES. She is a frequent contributor to national and international conferences and has previously been CILIP President.
Jubb is director of the Research Information Network (RIN). He has a long-standing background as an academic, archivist and senior research manager and has been deputy chief executive of the Arts and Humanities Research Council. He has been responsible for more than 30 reports on key aspects of the changing scholarly communications landscape.
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"The Future of Scholarly Communication"
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