For immediate release | April 9, 2013

Share coffee and conversation with graphic novel authors at AASL13

CHICAGO – Five author/illustrators will share the creative process behind the exciting genre of graphic novels during the Author Breakfast at the AASL 16th National Conference & Exhibition. Attendees of the event, taking place Nov. 17, will enjoy breakfast with Faith Erin Hicks, Jennifer and Matthew Holm, Jarrett Krosoczka and Raina Telgemeier before being treated to a rousing live demonstration of the art of creating graphic novels.

After breakfast, Krosoczka will lead the authors/illustrators through a creative design session taking from both his and audience prompts. The created comics will then be presented to a few lucky attendees. After the event, a signing will be held with books available for purchase. More information is available at

Faith Erin Hicks wrote and illustrated her first two graphic novels in 2007, “Zombies Calling” and “The War at Ellsmere.” Most recently, she illustrated “Brain Camp,” and wrote and illustrated “Friends With Boys.”

Brother-and-sister team Jennifer Holm and Matthew Holm are the author and illustrator of the Babymouse and Squish series of graphic novels. Jennifer also authored three Newbery Honor Winners including, “Penny from Heaven.”

Jarrett J. Krosoczka is the author and illustrator of the Children’s Choice Award-winning Lunch Lady graphic novels, as well as numerous popular picture books, including “Punk Farm,” “Punk Farm on Tour” and “Baghead.”

Raina Telgemeier is the adapter and illustrator of four Baby-sitters Club graphic novels, the co-author of “X-Men: Misfits,” and the author and illustrator of the bestselling dental memoir graphic novel “Smile,” which recently won the Eisner Award for Best Publication for a Teen Audience.

An additional registration fee of $35 is required for the Author Breakfast and space is limited. Registration for the AASL 16th National Conference & Exhibition is now open at Those wishing to join their colleagues for dedicated learning and networking are encouraged to register before the Aug. 22 early bird deadline to save $100 on registration rates.

The AASL national conference is the only national conference dedicated solely to the needs of school librarians and their roles as educational leaders. The 16th National Conference & Exhibition, "Rising to the Challenge," taking place Nov. 14–17, 2013, in Hartford, Conn., will feature preconference workshops, concurrent sessions and an exhibition featuring companies relevant to the school library profession.

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.


Jennifer R Habley

Manager, Web Communications

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)

800-545-2433 ext.4383