For immediate release | January 15, 2013
Publish with ALCTS!
CHICAGO — The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) seeks authors for its publications. These include the well-respected peer-reviewed journal, Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS), the ALCTS Monographs (formerly Paper Series); ALCTS Newsletter Online (ANO); and z687: Creating the Future of Technical Services.
Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS): a peer-reviewed journal that takes a critical approach to the questions and challenges facing librarians and libraries with regard to:
- Collections;
- Scholarly communication;
- Preservation (including digitization);
- Acquisitions (including licensing and economic aspects of acquisitions);
- Continuing resources;
- Cataloging (including descriptive metadata, authority control, subject analysis, and classification).
LRTS publishes both research papers and thoughtful explorations of operational issues that have value and implications for other libraries. In addition, LRTS publishes editorials, book reviews, letters to the editor and the annual report of the president of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services. Editor: Mary Beth Weber (
ALCTS Monographs (formerly Paper Series): The ALCTS Monographs is a publication venue for full-length monographs where the topic is of long-term interest to the information community. The topics could be as diverse as standards, disaster planning or RDA and could be written by one author or a number of experts in the designated topic. The ALCTS Monographs would provide a venue for both scholarly and practical information sharing and application of issues that are important to the information community on the topics of cataloging, bibliographic control, electronic resources, contracts of electronic services and subscriptions, acquisitions of materials and preservation of library materials in all formats. Historic overviews to contemporary issues and future determinations might all be topics. ALCTS provides ALCTS Monographs for authors on these topics as well as readers across all libraries who wish to be more knowledgeable on topics covered. Editor: Jeanne Drewes (
ALCTS Newsletter Online (ANO): ALCTS official newsletter available electronically. Editor: Alice Platt (
z687: Creating the Future of Technical Services: Online collection of white papers and think-pieces by ALCTS members for their peers in library technical services. Editor: Dr. Pamela Jo Thomas (
Sudden Selector’s Guides: The Sudden Selector's Guides Series, sponsored by the Collection Management Section, is designed to help library workers become acquainted with the tools, resources, people and organizations that can help them develop collections in new or unfamiliar subject areas. Editor: Helene Williams (
The ALCTS Publications Committee has compiled a list of topics for potential publication. Here are a few examples. The entire list can be found at: Contact Dina Giambi, chair, ( for more information or if you have questions.
- Use of assessment/measurable outcomes in technical services;
- Integration of digital collections into collection building;
- Connecting with the community outside technical services; maintaining relationships with the public/faculty/staff/students/etc.;
- Managing electronic series, covering issues such as acquisition and access management, including the analysis (or lack thereof) of individual series parts;
- Print vs. electronic continuing resources: What is the future of serials? What are the trends?: subject-based gap, globe-based gap, electronic vs. print in purchase decisions;
- RDA and continuing resources: How does RDA affect how we catalog and define continuing resources?
- Data curation, cataloging and collections issues, digital Preservation: best practices, justification and practical guidelines for implementation;
- RDA training techniques;
- Scholarly communications and the role of technical services;
- Shared print collections: How to write a collection management plan, bibliographic issues, analyzing collections across multiple institutions, retention and withdrawal policies, communications aspects, etc.;
- Staffing optimization: Reorganizing workflows in a digital environment.
Find out more about contributing to ALCTS publishing, continuing education and other volunteer opportunities at the ALCTS Midwinter Forum, at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 28 in the Conference Center of the Washington Convention Center, Room TCC-304. Join us whether you are an ALCTS member or not. We’d love to have you attend.
ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association
Charles Wilt
Executive Director I
Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS)
cwilt@ala.org800-545-2433 ext.5030
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