For immediate release | November 5, 2012
Pamela Thomas new ALCTS 'z687' editor
CHICAGO — Pamela J. Thomas, technical services librarian at Illinois Central College, is the new editor of “z687: Creating the Future of Technical Services,” a series of digital publications from the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS).
“z687: Creating the Future of Technical Services” is the online collection of white papers and think pieces by ALCTS members and others in libraries and related professions for the library community whose interest extends to issues in collections and library technical services. The nucleus of this online publication is a set of papers originally presented at the ALCTS Midwinter Symposium in 2010. ALCTS is developing this online-only collection as the place where content would be made available on a wide range of topics in a quick time frame from submission to publication without going through an extended peer review process.
In addition to being technical services librarian, Thomas is the library technical assistant program coordinator at Illinois Central College. She also teaches cataloging in the LTA Program and has had experience writing for a local newspaper. Thomas received her PhD in professional studies in education from Capella University, her M.L.S. from Northern Illinois University and her B.A. in English from Illinois State University.
Watch for more information about the “z687” series in AL Direct and the ALCTS website.
ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.
Charles Wilt
Executive Director I
Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS)
cwilt@ala.org800-545-2433 ext.5030
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