For immediate release | December 30, 2013
Education, library leaders to host interactive copyright tweetchat
Washington, D.C.—Principals, superintendents and school librarians have specific questions about copyright law but often find themselves without guidance on the subject. School leaders will have the opportunity to have their questions answered by copyright expert and bestselling author Carrie Russell during a free tweetchat that will be held on January 7, 2014, from 6:00-7:00p.m. EST. Participants can submit questions and take part in the tweetchat by using the #k12copylaw hashtag.
As part of the tweetchat, Russell will offer clear guidance on ways that principals, superintendents, teachers and librarians can legally provide materials to students. Tweetchat participants will learn about fair use, copyright law in the digital age and copyright exploitation in schools. Additionally, Russell will also discuss scenarios often encountered by educators in schools, such as using copyrighted material in lesson plans, school plays, classroom assignments and bulletin board displays.
Russell is the author of Complete Copyright for K–12 Librarians and Educators, a book that teaches educators how to fully exercise rights such as fair use while making decisions that are both lawful and best serve the learning community. In addition to being the director of the American Library Association’s Program on Public Access to Information, Russell speaks frequently at state, regional, and national library conferences about the intricacies of copyright law. To receive a 10% discount on Complete Copyright (20% for ALA members), use the coupon code CC2014 before January 15, 2014.
The interactive social media event will be hosted jointly by AASA: The School Superintendents Association, the American Library Association, the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
Participate in the tweetchat by using #k12copylaw on January 7, 2014, from 6:00-7:00p.m. EST.
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