For immediate release | October 23, 2012

November webinars from ALCTS

CHICAGO —RDA, holdings comparison and long-term storage are webinar topics coming to you in November from the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). Registration is easy. Just click the title of your choice and sign up.

Nov. 7

RDA in 10 Easy Steps with Thomas Brenndorfer

Resource Description and Access (RDA) is the successor to the cataloging rules, AACR2. RDA completely revamps the structure of the cataloging instructions by closely following the entity-relationship model used to construct databases. However, as complex as these changes are, they can be reduced to 10 easy steps. Join in on a walkthrough of the new structure. A demonstration of how a simple book can be cataloged with RDA helps catalogers understand the new structure and makes it easier to navigate RDA and find related instructions for other resources.

Nov. 14

The Role of Long-Term Storage in Digital Curation with Laura Osterhout and Erin Rhodes

Introduces considerations for the long-term storage of digital content selected for preservation. This content must be stored in ways that align with good practice. The session addresses issues related to the development of storage management policies, including file formats for deposit and preservation, the preservation of multiple copies, the locations of those copies, the characteristics of those locations and the means for meeting long‐term storage requirements.

Nov. 28

Holdings Comparisons: Why are they so Complicated? with Amy Kirchoff

As librarians look for innovative and effective ways to collaborate and share resources, understanding holdings of partner libraries is imperative not only for resource sharing, but also for preservation purposes. How can libraries work together to compare their holdings as they think through issues of collection management and preservation? This webinar will discuss the challenges of comparing holdings and provide suggestions on how to understand the tools that are available to do this.

For more information on these webinars and all upcoming continuing education from ALCTS, visit

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.


Charles Wilt

Executive Director I

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS)

800-545-2433 ext.5030