For immediate release | September 10, 2012
PLA offering its last free Turning the Page 2.0 advocacy course
CHICAGO — Librarians and library supporters have one more opportunity to participate in the Public Library Association (PLA)-sponsored online public library advocacy course, Turning the Page 2.0. The final free session from PLA begins the week of Sept. 24 and runs through the week of Oct. 29.
Participants choose an advocacy goal for their library and are guided through the creation of an Advocacy Work Plan. Highly interactive units cover topics such as creating and telling the library story, building relationships with key decision makers, project management and making the all-important ask. Read what previous participants have to say about the structure and content of the course.
Each six-week session of Turning the Page 2.0 consists of:
- In-person kick-off (optional);
- Weekly, facilitator-led virtual classroom sessions;
- Independent assignments to advance Advocacy Work Plan (one-two hours/week);
- Personalized facilitator feedback;
- Online community.
Participants should expect to spend about three hours per week on this program. A certificate of completion will be awarded following the submission of an Advocacy Work Plan.
The upcoming September-October session will begin with an optional, in-person kick-off on Sept. 19 at the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference in Fargo, N.D. Registration for this preconference is free; however overall conference registration rates apply. Participants must register for the in-person event separately from the online portion of the program.
Registration for Turning the Page 2.0 is open to all public librarians, library staff and library supporters, including board members, Friends and local officials. Libraries are encouraged to complete Turning the Page 2.0 with an advocacy team that works through the program together.
For more information about the program, please email
PLA is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve. Its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.
Amy Sargent
Manager, Marketing
Public Library Association (PLA)
asargent@ala.org1-800-545-2433 ext.5024
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