For immediate release | September 14, 2012

M-Libraries—mobile technology and transformation

CHICAGO — Mobile technology offers huge potential to help libraries transform their service models to meet the challenge posed by a new generation of learners in an increasingly global information environment who require libraries to play a greater role than ever in the delivery of education and training.

The newest volume in the highly successful M-Libraries series, “M-Libraries 3: Transforming Libraries with Mobile Technology,” published by Facet Publishing and available through Neal-Schuman Publishers, draws together cutting-edge international contributions from leading authorities in the field. Editors Mohamed Ally and Gill Needham based their book on the proceedings of the Third International M-Libraries Conference held in Brisbane in May 2011. The contributors explore the variety of work that libraries are doing across the world to deliver resources to users via a growing plethora of mobile and hand-held devices. Topics include:

  • Mobile services and their development;
  • Mobile users, their behavior and requirements;
  • Emerging technical developments including new platforms, devices and applications;
  • Strategy and infrastructure developments at national levels;
  • Reflections and feedback on new service models;
  • Local innovation.

Ally is director of the Center for Distance Education, Athabasca University, Canada.

Needham is associate director, information management and innovation at the Open University Library and Learning Resources Center, UK.

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Related Links

"M-Libraries 3: Transforming Libraries with Mobile Technology"

"M-Libraries 2: A Virtual Library in Everyone's Pocket"

THE TECH SET® #11-20


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