For immediate release | August 7, 2012
AASL releases an evaluation workbook for school librarians
CHICAGO — The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has released a new publication that provides school librarians an opportunity to engage in rigorous self-evaluation and shape school administrator evaluations. “A 21st-Century Approach to School Librarian Evaluation,” written by Patricia Owen, is available in both print and e-book formats, as well as in a print/e-book bundle. This and other AASL publications can be purchased through the ALA online store.
“A 21st-Century Approach to School Librarian Evaluation” uses the program guidelines established in AASL’s “Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs” as the basis for a school librarian evaluation rubric—one that can be adapted or duplicated by school librarians and shared with school administrators. The publication includes workbook style prompts that walk school librarians through suggested readings, action tips and evidence collection to help gauge their current levels of achievement, set goals for progress and form plans for future professional development. Librarians who proceed step-by-step through “A 21st-Century Approach to School Librarian Evaluation” will emerge prepared for their annual performance evaluation.
"If ever there was a need for school librarians to focus on self-evaluation and reflection as it relates to our performance in the modern high-stakes learning environment, it is now," said Susan Ballard, AASL president. "This timely publication assists in determining how our efforts align to the roles and responsibilities identified in our national guidelines for school library programs, as well as the goals and objectives of our learning communities. Additionally, the emphasis on evidence-based practice will provide school librarians with essential documentation of their impact on teaching and learning for performance evaluation."
Patricia Owen, M.Ed., NBCT, lead teacher, is currently the district information resource coordinator and librarian at Eastwood Local Schools in Ohio. Owen has presented on “college-and career-readiness” and school librarian evaluation issues at national- and regional-level conferences and is a member of the INFOhio 12-13 College & Career Readiness and OhioLINK Dual Enrollment task forces.
AASL offers a rich variety of publications on topics essential to school librarians everywhere. For a complete listing of publications available from AASL, visit the AASL books and products page.
The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.
Jennifer Habley
Manager, Web Communications
American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
jhabley@ala.org800-545-2433 ext.4383
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