For immediate release | July 17, 2012

Free LLAMA webinar gives practical tips for entry-level interviews

CHICAGO — While there is a lot of information out there about how to write a good resume and cover letter, there is much less on how to do well in an interview, especially advice written since the recession started. The Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) will present a free webinar, “How to succeed in an entry-level librarian interview: Research and experience-based tips,” from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Central time on Wednesday, July 25.

The goal of this webinar is to help those who have already been offered an interview learn what is involved in the typical interview for an entry-level position at a public or academic library. Practical tips based on research and experience will show participants how to stand out from the crowd.

By the end of this program, participants will:

  • know what information is necessary to learn about an institution before going to an interview;
  • know how to find the crossover skills in non-library work experience and successfully show that it is relevant work experience;
  • know at least one question to ask a hiring committee that will demonstrate deep and sincere interest in the position;
  • be familiar with the hiring process at academic and public libraries;
  • understand what a candidate visit to an academic library entails;
  • learn what has, and what hasn’t changed, in the interview process.


M. Teresa Doherty, head, circulation & information services; interim head, media and reserve services, Virginia Commonwealth University

Megan Hodge, assistant branch manager, Chesterfield County Public Library, Va.

Debarah Lammers, Manager, Dumbarton Area Library, Henrico, Va.

Nicole Spoor, information resources librarian, Hampton University, Va.

Fees: This is a free webinar!

Advance registration is required.

Register now for "How to succeed in an entry-level librarian interview: Research and experience-based tips."

For more information contact Fred Reuland,


Fred Reuland

Program Officer

Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)

1-800-545-2433 ext. 5032