For immediate release | May 29, 2012
Three Friends of the Library groups win ALTAFF’s Baker & Taylor Awards
PHILADELPHIA — Three Friends of the Library groups will be recognized with Baker & Taylor Awards from the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (ALTAFF), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), during ALTAFF’s Gala Author Tea, sponsored by ReferenceUSA, from 2 to 4 p.m. PDT on Monday, June 25 at the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calif.
ALTAFF’s Baker & Taylor Awards recognize Friends groups and library Foundations for outstanding efforts to support their library. The winners of ALTAFF’s 2011 Baker & Taylor Awards are the Batavia (Ill.) Public Library Foundation, the Friends of Hackley Public Library (Muskegon, Mich.) and the Friends of the Troy (Mich.) Public Library. Each group will receive a $1,000 check and a plaque to honor their achievements.
In 2011, Batavia Public Library Foundation collaborated on the project “Bulldogs Unleashed,” inspired by Chicago’s “Cows on Parade.” As a collaborative and strategic gesture, the Foundation board invited two other local organizations – the Batavia Foundation for Educational Excellence and the Batavia Parks Foundation – to participate as equal partners. “Bulldogs Unleashed” was a very successful fundraiser, earning a net of $75,793.34, which was divided among the partner foundations. It was also an inspirational public art project that engaged the community.
The Friends of the Hackley Public Library won for their overall activities on behalf of the library in 2011. The Friends hosted a Royal Wedding Breakfast for the public to view the wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton. The April 29 event raised more than $3,000 and had far-reaching effects, including in increase in donations to the Friends’ campaign to raise $100,000 for the library’s children’s department, an increase in membership to the Friends and a greater bond among Friends board members. The Friends board nominated library Director Martha Ferriby for the Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award, and out of 1,700 nominees, she was one of 10 winners.
The Troy Public Library was slated for closure on June 30, 2011, due to budget cuts and a severe economic crisis in the city. The Friends of the Troy Public Library, in just a few short months, mounted a millage campaign to save the library and make it an independent organization. Their proposal was defeated by less than 700 votes, largely due to a counter-campaign of unethical tactics and misinformation. Following the defeat, a new group, comprised of many Friends members, formed to lobby once again for the library. They used the lessons learned in the first campaign to help pass a millage that ensured the continued operations of the library for the next five years.
Baker & Taylor Awards have been given since 2000. Baker & Taylor is a leading distributor of books, videos and music products to libraries, institutions and retailers. For more information about Baker & Taylor Awards, visit
The Gala Author Tea, sponsored by ReferenceUSA, will be held at the Anaheim Marriott, Grand Salon E. Advance tickets cost $49 ($45 ALTAFF division members); the event code is ALT1. On-site tickets will cost $55, if seats are available. The Tea will feature Selden Edwards, Jane Green, Andrew Gross, Adam Mansbach and Dustin Thomason. Attendees will enjoy tea, finger sandwiches and a variety of sweet treats. Some books will be given away, while others will be available for purchase at a generous discount. ReferenceUSA will provide attendees with a free tote bag.
Members of Friends of the Library groups, Boards of Trustees, and representatives from library Foundations can attend ALTAFF’s nonticketed programs for as little as $35. For more information about registering and ALTAFF events at the conference, visit
Find out about the many other ALA Annual Conference & Exhibits highlights as they’re added — speakers, events, networking opportunities, and more. For general information about the meeting in Anaheim, Calif., June 21-26, 2012, visit
ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition — Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves
ALTAFF is a division of the American Library Association that supports citizens who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for libraries. ALTAFF brings together library Trustees, advocates, Friends, and Foundations into a partnership that creates a powerful force for libraries in the 21st century. As of Sept. 4, 2012, ALTAFF will be known as "United for Libraries." For more information or to join ALTAFF, visit, or contact Jillian Kalonick at (312) 280-2161 or
Jillian Kalonick
Marketing / Public Relations
United for Libraries (United)
jkalonick@ala.org800-545-2433 ext.2160
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