For immediate release | May 29, 2012
Register your library to win a free one-year subscription to the Virtual Career Library!
CHICAGO —Do your library patrons need job search and career exploration support in today’s tough economy? Then head on over to the ALA Membership Pavilion at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim to register your library to win a free one-year subscription ($950 value) to the Virtual Career Library. This innovative career information service is changing the way forward-thinking libraries are providing career guidance and job search information for their library patrons. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to win a subscription that will expand your library services and help library patrons who count on you for job search and career guidance support.
Entry forms will be available on Saturday and Sunday of the conference in the ALA JobLIST Placement Center located in Hall A of the Anaheim Convention Center and in the Membership Pavilion located in the exhibits hall. The drawing will take place at 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 24 in the Membership Pavilion.
The ALA JobLIST Placement Center has provided opportunities for employers and job seekers to meet, network and achieve success in reaching their employment goals for more than 30 years. Events and activities in the ALA JobLIST Placement Center are designed to help job seekers re-tool their skills and prepare for job searches. They are intended for people at every stage of their careers. Employers are encouraged to interact with job seekers at every level.
This prize is made available to all conference attendees by the generous donation from Career Communications, Inc.
Learn More About the Virtual Career Library
See for yourself why forward-thinking libraries have transformed their conventional career libraries into a dynamic resource for library patrons by subscribing to the Virtual Career Library. This innovative career information service features a talking librarian avatar that helps guide your library patrons to more than 6,000 pages of valuable digital career information resources.
Click Here to View a Free 4 Minute Tour of the Virtual Career Library!
Virtual Career Library - Program Overview and Free Trial Information
For more information about the drawing, visit the ALA JobLIST Placement Center in Hall A of the Anaheim Convention Center.
Beatrice Calvin
Program Officer
Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR)
bcalvin@ala.org1-800-545-2433 ext.4280
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