For immediate release | May 29, 2012

International case studies of public libraries' national policies

CHICAGO — One of the first books of its kind, “Public Libraries and their National Policies: International Case Studies,” by John Helling, offers an in-depth look at national public library policies at a time when public libraries are facing shrinking budgets and pressure to make structural changes. Exploring service models from a dozen countries around the world, Helling focuses on areas such as funding sources, standards, regulations and use. The book offers insights into international best practices, giving librarians and academics a wide range of perspectives on global policies.

Helling is the library director at the Bloomfield-Eastern Greene County Public Library in Indiana. Prior to this, he was a senior librarian at the New York Public Library. He teaches Public Library Management at Indiana University and has published several articles and book chapters on various management topics. He was recently awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study the national public library policy of Finland.

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Related Links

"Public Libraries and their National Policies: International Case Studies"

"Information Policies and Strategies"

"Imagine Your Library's Future: Scenario Planning for Libraries and Information Organizations"


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