For immediate release | May 8, 2012

Author Maggie Stiefvater at ALTAFF’s ‘Books without Boundaries: Crossover Fiction for YAs and Adults’ at ALA Annual Conference

PHILADELPHIA — The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (ALTAFF), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), will host “Books without Boundaries: Crossover Fiction for YAs and Adults” from 10:30 a.m.-noon PDT at the Anaheim Convention Center, 206B, on Monday, June 25 at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim.

This program will feature authors who have written books that appeal to both young adults and adults. Authors will include Shana Abé, Matt Dembicki, Laura Harrington, Kate Locke, Katie McGarry and Maggie Stiefvater. The program will be moderated by Barbara Hoffert, editor of Library Journal’s Prepub Alert. An author signing will follow. Some books will be given away, and others will be sold at a generous discount.

Shana Abé (“The Sweetest Dark,” Bantam/Random House, Aug. 2012) is the award-winning author of “The Time Weaver,” “The Treasure Keeper,” “Queen of Dragons,” “The Dream Thief”and “The Smoke Thief.” “The Sweetest Dark,” her debut young adult novel, is the story of a teenage girl who discovers she might be the last of an ancient, magical species and is set in an elite boarding school in post-Victorian era England.

Matt Dembicki (“Trickster,” Fulcrum Publishing/Consortium, 2010) is the founder of DC Conspiracy, a comic creators' collaborative in Washington, D.C. and has won acclaim for his nature graphic novel “Mr. Big” and his Eisner Award nominee and Aesop Award winner, “Trickster.” He works as an editor for a higher-education association.

Laura Harrington (“Alice Bliss,” Penguin, 2011) is an award-winning playwright, lyricist and librettist. She teaches playwriting at MIT and lives in Gloucester, Mass. “Alice Bliss,” her first novel, grew out of Harrington's one-woman musical “Alice Unwrapped,” which ran off-Broadway in New York and in the Minneapolis Fringe Festival in 2009.

Kate Locke (“God Save the Queen,” Orbit Books/Hachette, July 2012) is a shameless anglophile who wrote her first book at age 12. Fortunately, that book about a British pop band is lost forever. When not experimenting with new hair colors, Kate likes to hang out with her husband who, while not from England, can do a pretty convincing accent. She spends her days being bossed about by five fur kids and making stuff up — often while wearing a "uniform" that looks suspiciously like pajamas. During “off” hours Kate often screeches along to Rock Band, watches BBC America or plays with makeup. She loves history, the paranormal, horror and sparkly things.

Katie McGarry (“Pushing the Limits,” Harlequin Teen/Harlequin, July 2012) was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings and reality television and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan.

In 2009, Maggie Stiefvater (“The Raven Boys,” Scholastic Press, Sept. 2012) introduced readers to “Shiver,” a powerful supernatural love story. “Shiver” was an instant New York Times best-seller and remained on the list for more than 25 weeks in hardcover. Stiefvater continued the story with “Linger” and “Forever.” In her upcoming series starting this fall with the September release of “The Raven Boys,” Stiefvater tells a story that, like “The Scorpio Races” (a 2012 Printz honoree), is personal and engaging, weaving together ancient Welsh legends, an all-boys boarding school and a potentially dangerous romance.

Members of Friends of the Library groups, Boards of Trustees, and representatives from library Foundations can attend ALTAFF’s nonticketed programs for as little as $35. For more information about registering and ALTAFF events at the conference, visit

For general information about the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calif., June 21-26, 2012, visit Use the Conference Scheduler to plan your time, create your calendar, and find out about many other highlights as they’re added —speakers, events, networking opportunities, and more. Get the best discount with Early Bird Registration, open until midnight, Sunday, May 13, 2012.

ALTAFF is a division of the American Library Association that supports citizens who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for libraries. ALTAFF brings together library Trustees, advocates, Friends, and Foundations into a partnership that creates a powerful force for libraries in the 21st century. For more information, visit, or contact Jillian Kalonick at (312) 280-2161 or



Jillian Kalonick

Marketing / Public Relations

United for Libraries (United)

800-545-2433 ext.2160