For immediate release | October 29, 2013

ALA offers Recognition Awards and Grants

CHICAGO — Nominate yourself, colleagues or your library for the 2014 American Library Association (ALA) Recognition Awards and Grants. Unless otherwise noted, the deadline for awards is Dec. 1.

For general information about these and other ALA awards, visit

  • ABC-CLIO Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature - An annual award to honor the best book published in library literature. This book may help library professionals in the areas of management principles and practice, understanding and application of new techniques, or furthering the education of librarians or other information specialists. The award includes $5,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation, donated by Greenwood Publishing Group. Application
  • ALA Excellence in Library Programming Award – An annual award that recognizes either a school or public library demonstrating excellence in library programming by providing programs that have community impact and respond to community needs. Advocacy, partnerships and creativity of use of resources, regardless of the size of the library, will be taken into consideration. Donated by the ALA Cultural Community Fund. Application
  • ALA Information Today Library of the Future Award honors a library, library consortium, group of librarians or support organization for innovative planning for, applications of or development of patron training programs about information technology in a library setting. The award includes $1,500 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by Information Today, Inc. Application
  • Beta Phi Mu Award is presented to a faculty member of a library school or an individual for distinguished service to education in librarianship. The award includes $1,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by Beta Phi Mu International Library Science Honorary Society. Application
  • W. Y. Boyd Literary Award is given to an author of a military novel that honors the service of American veterans during a time of war: 1861-1865, 1914-1918 or 1939-1945. The award includes $5,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by William Young Boyd. Application
  • Melvil Dewey Medal honors an individual or group for a recent creative professional achievement in library management, training, cataloging and classification or the tools and techniques of librarianship. The award includes $2,000, a Dewey Medal and a 24k gold-framed citation donated OCLC/Forest Press, Inc. Application
  • EBSCO ALA Conference Sponsorship provides five $1,500 awards to help librarians attend ALA’s Midwinter Meeting. Application It also provides seven $1,000 awards to help librarians attend ALA’s Annual Conference. ApplicationTo apply for this award, applicants must submit an essay of no more than 250 words addressing, “How will attending this ALA Conference contribute to your professional development?” The award is donated by EBSCO Subscription Services.
  • Equality Award honors an individual or group for an outstanding contribution that promotes equality in the library profession. The award includes $1,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by Scarecrow Press, Inc., a member of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. Application
  • Elizabeth Futas Catalyst For Change Award - A biannual award of $1,000 recognizing and honoring a librarian who invests time and talent to make positive changes in the profession of librarianship. Donated by the Elizabeth Futas Memorial Fund. Application
  • Gale Cengage Learning Financial Development Award is given to a library organization that exhibited meritorious achievement in carrying out a library financial development project to secure new funding resources for a public or academic library. The award includes $2,500 and a 24k gold-framed citation, donated by Thomson Gale, Inc. Application
  • Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship honors an individual for contributing significantly to the public recognition and appreciation of librarianship through professional performance, teaching and/or writing. The award includes $1,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by Ken Haycock, PhD. Application
  • Joseph W. Lippincott Award is given to a librarian for distinguished service to the profession. To qualify, the librarian must display outstanding participation in professional library activities, notable published professional writing or other significant activities on behalf of the profession. The award includes $1,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by Joseph W. Lippincott, III. Application
  • Scholastic Library Publishing Award (formerly Grolier) honors a librarian whose “unusual contribution” to the stimulation and guidance of children’s and young adult reading exemplifies outstanding achievement in the profession. The award includes $1,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by Scholastic Library Publishing. Application
  • Sullivan Award for Public Library Administrators Supporting Services to Children honors an individual who has shown exceptional understanding and support of library service to children while having general management/supervisory/ administrative responsibility that has included public library service to children in its scope. The recipient will receive a plaque and recognition artifact. The donor is Peggy Sullivan. Application
  • H.W. Wilson Library Staff Development Grant is awarded to a library organization for a program to further its staff development goals and objectives. The award includes $3,500 and a 24k gold-framed citation donated by the H.W. Wilson Company/ EBSCO Publishing. Application


Cheryl Malden

Program Officer

American Library Association

Governance Office
