For immediate release | April 3, 2012

School library survey data now available to researchers

CHICAGO — Educational researchers can now request access to data from the American Association of School Librarians' (AASL) School Libraries Count! (SLC) longitudinal survey. The yearly survey gathers data on school library programs to track the state of programs nationally. More information about School Libraries Count! can be found on the AASL website at

AASL recognizes the value of access to selected data from these surveys by qualified educational researchers. AASL will therefore consider requests to license the data for non-commercial uses that contribute to the knowledge of the field. Available data runs from the SLC survey’s inception in 2007 through 2011, and researchers can request access by completing the form located at All submissions will be reviewed and AASL retains the right to select or deny any requests of School Libraries Count! data.

The School Libraries Count! National Longitudinal Survey of School Library Programs aims to gather data on changes in the field to gain understanding of the state of school library programs nationally. Data on this and previous School Libraries Count! longitudinal studies can be found at

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.
